5 Easy Ways to Incorporate Functional Mushrooms into Your Daily Routine

functional mushrooms

(please note that this post is sponsored by Om Mushrooms but all opinions and thoughts are genuine and true!)

functional mushrooms

If you haven’t been able to tell by now but I LOVE (absolutely LOVE) functional mushrooms – specifically Om Mushrooms. :) You can read my Functional Mushrooms 101 blog post here and you can also find a recipe for Paleo Lemon Immunity Cookies using Om Mushrooms here!

Using new supplements and things like functional mushrooms can seem intimidating – What are they good for? How do I use them? Do I have to make something special with them?

For the first question, head to the blog post I mentioned above, and for the second two – the short answers are “I’m going to tell you right now” and “nope!”

Whether you’re just starting out with functional mushrooms or have been using them for a while and are looking for more ideas on how to incorporate them, I’ve got you covered!

5 Easy Ways to Incorporate Adaptogenic Mushrooms into Your Daily Routine

functional mushrooms

Sneak them into your meals

Functional mushrooms are SO easy to sneak into many different meals. My favorites are to use them in smoothies, oatmeal (or cauli oats if you’re paleo), and soups! Simply blend or mix in the suggested amount and BOOM. One of the most frequently asked questions about functional mushrooms that I get is “can you taste the mushrooms?” and the answer is nope! You truly can’t taste them at all. Here are a few recipes you could try adding the mushrooms into: paleo apple pie smoothie bowl, paleo chocolate smoothie, paleo cacao cauliflower “oats”, paleo pumpkin cauliflower “oats”1

Bake with them

You can add functional mushrooms to almost any baked good recipe! Add 2-3 tablespoons (unless it’s a single-serving recipe – then just add the suggested amount) and add a tiny bit more liquid. For any of my recipes, I suggest just adding another tablespoon of honey or nut butter.

In warm drinks

functional mushrooms

Who loves homemade drinks like lattes, matcha lattes, chai tea lattes and hot chocolate!? I DO! Just mix in some functional mushrooms and you’re good to go. I like using my mini hand frother to make sure there aren’t any clumps.

In homemade dressings and sauces

Another fun way to add functional mushrooms to meals that you can’t as easily mix or blend mushrooms into (like salads, pastas and cauliflower gnocchi), make a homemade dressing or sauce and mix the functional mushrooms in that! My favorite to do this with is my paleo + vegan cashew pesto and tahini lemon dressing (2 Tbsp tahini, 1 Tbsp lemon juice, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp functional mushrooms, enough warm water to make it thin and drizzle-able). You could also add it to any other type of dressing – avocado sauce, homemade paleo ranch, etc. 

Simply pop some Om pills or use the Om drink mix packets

Om makes it even EASIER to implement functional mushrooms into your daily routine with their functional mushroom pills and drink mix packets (cold and hot!). I take the lion’s mane pills every single morning to help with cognitive functioning and concentration and absolutely love the taste of the Om beauty mix drink packets for when I’m on the go!

I hope this gave you a few ideas you can use to get your functional mushrooms in much easier! Xx nat